4 Astounding Books that Transformed My Life
I am often asked, “How did you recover from terminal cancer?” and my answer is, “There wasn’t one thing that saved me, there were many.” However, opening my mind to new possibilities is certainly right up there at the top of the list. Over the years, I have discovered that there are ‘many pathways up a mountain’ and finding the right one can sometimes be confusing and disheartening.
I was very fortunate to come across four astounding books that completely transformed my life. Each book, a bright neon sign, gently pointed me towards recovery. No pressure, just new concepts. I welcomed the challenge, with arms wide open, since it was clear to me that my life had to change. I knew intuitively that I must find, simple yet powerful, ways to expand my mind. So here they are, the four astounding books that transformed my life:
1. You Can Conquer Cancer - Ian Gawler
This was the first book to find me on my life-changing quest. Excitement filled me as I read and relished it’s pages. I discovered that there are many more choices in overcoming cancer that I was originally aware of. I was introduced to simple lifestyle strategies including; meditation, nutrition, finding purpose, and power of the mind. On reflection, I was unknowingly building strong and sturdy foundations for my future health. At that time, I had no idea that within five years, Ian would be training me to facilitate a ‘Cancer, Healing and Wellbeing Course’ based on this very book! Facilitating this program over the last two decades has fueled my life with purpose.
2. You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay
This book unexpectedly came into my possession via a friend of a friend. The synchronicity of its arrival could not have been more perfect. At the time, I was experiencing a barrage of unhelpful thoughts, terrorising me and creating a tidal wave of fear. Through this book, my sub-conscious mind was gently nudged opened to the possibility that I could change my thoughts and ultimately heal my body and my life. A major breakthrough!
3. Love, Medicine and Miracles - Bernie Siegel, M.D.
This book almost jumped off the shelf and landed into my hands as I perused the library shelves. It was as though a strong magnet was drawing me to the wisdom within these pages. Wow! My mind was spinning fast and I could feel a sense of excitement and empowerment rising within me, as the information poured towards me. Here was a doctor explaining the importance of the mind in the recovery from disease and I felt as though I had discovered a treasure chest of ‘hidden secrets’. My mind was convinced of it’s own ability to heal. With every page, my future became brighter and brighter.
4. Dying to be Me - Anita Moorjani
An intriguing story of a young woman’s near death experience. Life and death come hand in hand - you can’t have life without death. I facilitate a Woman’s Healing Circle where the fear of death is often discussed and I am astounded at the response this book receives. Many of the women, facing their own mortality say, “Since reading this book, I am no longer afraid of dying.” There is so much power in this book. It illuminates a pathway to peace and healing. Even in perfect health, this book is life changer and an absolute must read.
I often sign my own book, ‘My Answer to Cancer’ with the words, ‘Just another concept for you.’ I hope that ‘My Answer to Cancer’ also becomes a signpost for others to find courage, and believe in themselves, to find their own unique pathway to health and happiness.
I invite you to please leave a comment below, with the title and author of books that have transformed your life – it may just be the very signpost that someone else is searching for!
Love and Light,
Stage 4 Melanoma Survivor
Author of ‘My Answer to Cancer’
I was very fortunate to come across four astounding books that completely transformed my life. Each book, a bright neon sign, gently pointed me towards recovery. No pressure, just new concepts. I welcomed the challenge, with arms wide open, since it was clear to me that my life had to change. I knew intuitively that I must find, simple yet powerful, ways to expand my mind. So here they are, the four astounding books that transformed my life:
1. You Can Conquer Cancer - Ian Gawler
This was the first book to find me on my life-changing quest. Excitement filled me as I read and relished it’s pages. I discovered that there are many more choices in overcoming cancer that I was originally aware of. I was introduced to simple lifestyle strategies including; meditation, nutrition, finding purpose, and power of the mind. On reflection, I was unknowingly building strong and sturdy foundations for my future health. At that time, I had no idea that within five years, Ian would be training me to facilitate a ‘Cancer, Healing and Wellbeing Course’ based on this very book! Facilitating this program over the last two decades has fueled my life with purpose.
2. You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay
This book unexpectedly came into my possession via a friend of a friend. The synchronicity of its arrival could not have been more perfect. At the time, I was experiencing a barrage of unhelpful thoughts, terrorising me and creating a tidal wave of fear. Through this book, my sub-conscious mind was gently nudged opened to the possibility that I could change my thoughts and ultimately heal my body and my life. A major breakthrough!
3. Love, Medicine and Miracles - Bernie Siegel, M.D.
This book almost jumped off the shelf and landed into my hands as I perused the library shelves. It was as though a strong magnet was drawing me to the wisdom within these pages. Wow! My mind was spinning fast and I could feel a sense of excitement and empowerment rising within me, as the information poured towards me. Here was a doctor explaining the importance of the mind in the recovery from disease and I felt as though I had discovered a treasure chest of ‘hidden secrets’. My mind was convinced of it’s own ability to heal. With every page, my future became brighter and brighter.
4. Dying to be Me - Anita Moorjani
An intriguing story of a young woman’s near death experience. Life and death come hand in hand - you can’t have life without death. I facilitate a Woman’s Healing Circle where the fear of death is often discussed and I am astounded at the response this book receives. Many of the women, facing their own mortality say, “Since reading this book, I am no longer afraid of dying.” There is so much power in this book. It illuminates a pathway to peace and healing. Even in perfect health, this book is life changer and an absolute must read.
I often sign my own book, ‘My Answer to Cancer’ with the words, ‘Just another concept for you.’ I hope that ‘My Answer to Cancer’ also becomes a signpost for others to find courage, and believe in themselves, to find their own unique pathway to health and happiness.
I invite you to please leave a comment below, with the title and author of books that have transformed your life – it may just be the very signpost that someone else is searching for!
Love and Light,
Stage 4 Melanoma Survivor
Author of ‘My Answer to Cancer’