Life XL | Services | Clinical Hypnotherapy
About clinical hypnotherapy
Clinical hypnotherapy is a two way partnership between the therapist and the client. A person cannot be hypnotised unless they agree and cooperate. Whilst hypnotised, nobody can make a person do anything which they do not want to do. It must be emphasised that what hypnotherapists do is, by definition, therapeutic. Stage hypnosis is very different. It is a form of entertainment. Even those people on television eating raw onions and pretending to be Madonna are doing it because they want to. They have chosen to participate.
Within the subconscious mind reside our imagination, emotions, memories, our automatic body responses, habit patterns, and our most deeply held beliefs about ourselves and what we believe is possible for us.
It is these deeply held patterns and beliefs that drive our decisions and shape our lives and the quality of our perceptions. When we desire to make a lasting, positive change in our lives, it is these subconscious patterns that we must identify and change.
Clinical hypnotherapy is a safe, proven, and effective tool for directly accessing the power or the subconscious mind. Modern hypnotherapy is a collaborative effort wherein the client and Hypnotherapist interact and work together to bring about positive changes, identified by the client as desirable.
The Subconscious Mind
Imagine that you have a very powerful ally, one that has infinite potential, creativity, wisdom, knowledge, compassion and strength. This ally remembers everything that you have done, protects you every moment of every day, has 100% trust and belief in you and is there to help you achieve virtually anything you desire…a perfect companion.
This ally is your subconscious mind. It controls the systems in your body: like the beating of your heart, digestion, releasing of the hormones, metabolism and the like. Its contribution to your body is something you don't think about, it is just there and it happens. It stores all information from your past and contributes to your feelings, emotions, thoughts and decisions, sometimes without your full awareness. Most importantly, your subconscious mind should be there to help you.
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural and pleasant state of the human mind. It involves focused attention, concentration on an object, an idea or an activity with full involvement, while attention to anything else is temporarily suspended. We naturally experience this state in everyday living. For example, becoming totally involved watching a movie or a sports game, driving on a familiar route where you do not quite remember part of the journey, waking minutes before an alarm clock on a significant day, daydreaming, reading an absorbing book, noticing a smell or hearing a song which takes you back in time reminding you of an event which has been stored in your memory. Hypnosis is a relaxed state of mind where one can focus on an idea, an aspect of life, a dilemma or a challenge. It is used by sports people and corporate management for motivation, in advertising to attract you to certain ideas, by public speakers and politicians to captivate their audiences and by many therapists to effectively change or improve any aspect of their client’s life.
How Does It Work?
Simply put, it is therapy, during hypnosis. The body and conscious mind are in a relaxed, natural state, while the subconscious mind remains awake and receptive to suggestion. Hypnosis is an education-communication process that allows the conscious and subconscious mind to believe the same message.
When given a new suggestion that is within the bounds of a person's belief system and moral orientation, the subconscious mind accepts literally this new reality. The ability to re-program emotional attitudes and reactions is a latent talent within every human being. Hypnosis is the most functional and reasonable way to build new behaviors, create new patterns and find alternate ways of dealing with situations, thereby enforcing positive change and restoring well-being of mind and body.
What Can Hypnosis Be Used For?
What Does Clinical Hypnotherapy Involve?
Clinical hypnotherapy is a two way partnership between the therapist and the client. A person cannot be hypnotised unless they agree and cooperate. Whilst hypnotised, nobody can make a person do anything which they do not want to do. It must be emphasised that what hypnotherapists do is, by definition, therapeutic. Stage hypnosis is very different. It is a form of entertainment. Even those people on television eating raw onions and pretending to be Madonna are doing it because they want to. They have chosen to participate.
A Hypnotherapist’s Job Is to Help People
The first stage of a hypnotherapy consultation will generally involve an informal chat and some questions from the therapist to ascertain the nature of the issue and the necessary route to overcoming or dealing with it. The next stage is hypnosis.
You are led, by means of the hypnotherapist's gently guiding voice, into a state where your body and mind are relaxed and nearly asleep. To an onlooker it might seem as if you were totally asleep but in fact, though you will normally feel very relaxed, you will remain awake enough to be aware. Those parts of your mind which the therapist is working with to induce beneficial changes will also be awake. This may mean that you will be picturing, as in a daydream, the things which are being spoken of and that you may experience the associated pleasant feelings.
Remember that if at any time you feel uncomfortable and want to terminate the session, then you will be perfectly capable of doing so. After this, there is always time left for you to ask questions, or to discuss any experiences you had during the session.
Results of hypnotherapy are a credit entirely to the mind of the receiver. The hypnotherapist merely helps to unleash that incredible hidden power.
Within the subconscious mind reside our imagination, emotions, memories, our automatic body responses, habit patterns, and our most deeply held beliefs about ourselves and what we believe is possible for us.
It is these deeply held patterns and beliefs that drive our decisions and shape our lives and the quality of our perceptions. When we desire to make a lasting, positive change in our lives, it is these subconscious patterns that we must identify and change.
Clinical hypnotherapy is a safe, proven, and effective tool for directly accessing the power or the subconscious mind. Modern hypnotherapy is a collaborative effort wherein the client and Hypnotherapist interact and work together to bring about positive changes, identified by the client as desirable.
The Subconscious Mind
Imagine that you have a very powerful ally, one that has infinite potential, creativity, wisdom, knowledge, compassion and strength. This ally remembers everything that you have done, protects you every moment of every day, has 100% trust and belief in you and is there to help you achieve virtually anything you desire…a perfect companion.
This ally is your subconscious mind. It controls the systems in your body: like the beating of your heart, digestion, releasing of the hormones, metabolism and the like. Its contribution to your body is something you don't think about, it is just there and it happens. It stores all information from your past and contributes to your feelings, emotions, thoughts and decisions, sometimes without your full awareness. Most importantly, your subconscious mind should be there to help you.
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural and pleasant state of the human mind. It involves focused attention, concentration on an object, an idea or an activity with full involvement, while attention to anything else is temporarily suspended. We naturally experience this state in everyday living. For example, becoming totally involved watching a movie or a sports game, driving on a familiar route where you do not quite remember part of the journey, waking minutes before an alarm clock on a significant day, daydreaming, reading an absorbing book, noticing a smell or hearing a song which takes you back in time reminding you of an event which has been stored in your memory. Hypnosis is a relaxed state of mind where one can focus on an idea, an aspect of life, a dilemma or a challenge. It is used by sports people and corporate management for motivation, in advertising to attract you to certain ideas, by public speakers and politicians to captivate their audiences and by many therapists to effectively change or improve any aspect of their client’s life.
How Does It Work?
Simply put, it is therapy, during hypnosis. The body and conscious mind are in a relaxed, natural state, while the subconscious mind remains awake and receptive to suggestion. Hypnosis is an education-communication process that allows the conscious and subconscious mind to believe the same message.
When given a new suggestion that is within the bounds of a person's belief system and moral orientation, the subconscious mind accepts literally this new reality. The ability to re-program emotional attitudes and reactions is a latent talent within every human being. Hypnosis is the most functional and reasonable way to build new behaviors, create new patterns and find alternate ways of dealing with situations, thereby enforcing positive change and restoring well-being of mind and body.
What Can Hypnosis Be Used For?
- Releasing and managing stress, anxiety, panic or depression
- Learning or increasing relaxation
- Giving up habits like smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling, nail biting, grinding teeth etc
- Weight changes: slimming, increasing or body shaping
- Overcoming sleep difficulties or insomnia
- Overcoming fears and phobias like heights, elevators, water, needles, insects etc
- Developing self-esteem and self-confidence
- Changing unwanted repeated behavioral patterns
- Expressing, releasing and managing emotions such as anger
- Grieving and loss
- Healing past traumas or hurts
- Increasing motivation
- Improving physical health
What Does Clinical Hypnotherapy Involve?
Clinical hypnotherapy is a two way partnership between the therapist and the client. A person cannot be hypnotised unless they agree and cooperate. Whilst hypnotised, nobody can make a person do anything which they do not want to do. It must be emphasised that what hypnotherapists do is, by definition, therapeutic. Stage hypnosis is very different. It is a form of entertainment. Even those people on television eating raw onions and pretending to be Madonna are doing it because they want to. They have chosen to participate.
A Hypnotherapist’s Job Is to Help People
The first stage of a hypnotherapy consultation will generally involve an informal chat and some questions from the therapist to ascertain the nature of the issue and the necessary route to overcoming or dealing with it. The next stage is hypnosis.
You are led, by means of the hypnotherapist's gently guiding voice, into a state where your body and mind are relaxed and nearly asleep. To an onlooker it might seem as if you were totally asleep but in fact, though you will normally feel very relaxed, you will remain awake enough to be aware. Those parts of your mind which the therapist is working with to induce beneficial changes will also be awake. This may mean that you will be picturing, as in a daydream, the things which are being spoken of and that you may experience the associated pleasant feelings.
Remember that if at any time you feel uncomfortable and want to terminate the session, then you will be perfectly capable of doing so. After this, there is always time left for you to ask questions, or to discuss any experiences you had during the session.
Results of hypnotherapy are a credit entirely to the mind of the receiver. The hypnotherapist merely helps to unleash that incredible hidden power.
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